Site policy
- Privacy Policy
Please kindly confirm detail about our Privacy Policy
- Copyrights
- (1)All information (text, photographs, illustrations, etc.) on this website is subject to copyright. Additionally, the Official Website of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in its entirety is subject to copyright as a "compilation,” and it is therefore also protected by copyright laws.
- (2)Unauthorized reproduction or re-use of the materials on this website is prohibited, although “reproduction for private use,” “quotation,” and other special exceptions are permitted under copyright law.
- (3)Exceptions to the above stipulations may exist for specific content if specifically indicated.
- “Adobe Acrobat”is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
- * All other names of companies, products, etc. are the registered trademarks of their respective companies.
- Technical matters
- Recommended environment
The following browsers are recommended for the safest and most pleasant experience using this website:
(1)Google Chrome, latest version
(2)Safari, latest version
- Technology used
- This website utilizes cookies for the purpose of achieving a more convenient viewing experience and continuously improving this website. A cookie is data sent to a user’s browser from the server that handles administration of this website. The cookie sent is saved in the user’s computer. However, information such as the user’s name, address, phone number, and other information that identifies the user are absolutely not included in this cookie. Additionally, these cookies have no direct negative effect on the user’s computer. This website may use cookies provided by a third-party contractor to assess the access information of this website. It is possible for the user to decline cookies through the use of appropriate browser settings. Disabling cookies in this way will not hinder the use of this website in any major way. Refer to your browser’s help files or browser manufacturer for information on these browser settings.
- Portions of this website use JavaScript to achieve a more comfortable user experience. Failure to activate JavaScript in your browser may result in an inability to properly view or use this website.
- This website uses TLS encryption on a portion of its services to improve its security level. To use the relevant services, a browser that supports TLS1.2 encryption is required. The use of such a browser will automatically encrypt data that the user inputs, sends, and receives, such as the user’s name, address, phone number, and other personal information. In the unlikely event that any transmission of this data is intercepted by a third party, there is no fear that the transmission’s contents will be stolen. Additionally, the use of a firewall may prevent some users from accessing this website.
- The Adobe Reader from Adobe Systems Incorporated is required to view files in the PDF file format. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader if it is not installed on your system or the contents of this website are displayed incorrectly.
- Information system security
This website will protect its information assets from threats, for the purpose of preserving the trust of its users and fulfilling its social mission as the website of a governmental institution.
- (1)As a means of maintaining the safety and accuracy of this site’s information assets, appropriate safety measures have been taken to prevent improper data access, and the destruction, alteration, loss, and leakage of this data.
- (2)The information assets on this site are handled in strict accordance with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s basic policy on information security, laws, ordinances, and other standards.
- (3)Should the processing of information assets be entrusted to an external party, this processing work will take place under the appropriate supervision of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
- (4)Mechanisms will be established for the continued improvement of this information security policy, one of the aims of this website.
- Legal matters
- Disclaimer
- There is no guarantee of the completeness or accuracy of any information provided on this website. This information may be changed without notice or warning. The administrators and owners of this website accept absolutely no responsibility for any damage that may occur directly or indirectly due to the use of the information or content on this website.
- Prohibitions
The following activities are prohibited in the use of this website:
- (1)Any activity that hinders or creates obstructions to the operation of this website.
- (2)Any activity that causes or may cause inconvenience, loss, or violations of privacy to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the users of this website, or other third parties.
- (3)Any activity that violates or may violate public order and morality.
- (4)Any activity that violates a law, ordinance, or regulation.
- (5)Any other activity deemed inappropriate by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
- Applicable laws and court of jurisdiction
- Interpretation and application of this Site Policy and all use of this website shall adhere to the laws of Japan unless otherwise specified. All disputes arising in connection with the use of this website shall be subject in the first instance to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court.
Please kindly confirm detail about our Privacy Policy
- (1)All information (text, photographs, illustrations, etc.) on this website is subject to copyright. Additionally, the Official Website of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in its entirety is subject to copyright as a "compilation,” and it is therefore also protected by copyright laws.
- (2)Unauthorized reproduction or re-use of the materials on this website is prohibited, although “reproduction for private use,” “quotation,” and other special exceptions are permitted under copyright law.
- (3)Exceptions to the above stipulations may exist for specific content if specifically indicated.
- “Adobe Acrobat”is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
- * All other names of companies, products, etc. are the registered trademarks of their respective companies.
- Recommended environment
The following browsers are recommended for the safest and most pleasant experience using this website:
(1)Google Chrome, latest version
(2)Safari, latest version - Technology used
(1)Cookie- This website utilizes cookies for the purpose of achieving a more convenient viewing experience and continuously improving this website. A cookie is data sent to a user’s browser from the server that handles administration of this website. The cookie sent is saved in the user’s computer. However, information such as the user’s name, address, phone number, and other information that identifies the user are absolutely not included in this cookie. Additionally, these cookies have no direct negative effect on the user’s computer. This website may use cookies provided by a third-party contractor to assess the access information of this website. It is possible for the user to decline cookies through the use of appropriate browser settings. Disabling cookies in this way will not hinder the use of this website in any major way. Refer to your browser’s help files or browser manufacturer for information on these browser settings.
- Portions of this website use JavaScript to achieve a more comfortable user experience. Failure to activate JavaScript in your browser may result in an inability to properly view or use this website.
- This website uses TLS encryption on a portion of its services to improve its security level. To use the relevant services, a browser that supports TLS1.2 encryption is required. The use of such a browser will automatically encrypt data that the user inputs, sends, and receives, such as the user’s name, address, phone number, and other personal information. In the unlikely event that any transmission of this data is intercepted by a third party, there is no fear that the transmission’s contents will be stolen. Additionally, the use of a firewall may prevent some users from accessing this website.
- The Adobe Reader from Adobe Systems Incorporated is required to view files in the PDF file format. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader if it is not installed on your system or the contents of this website are displayed incorrectly.
- Information system security
This website will protect its information assets from threats, for the purpose of preserving the trust of its users and fulfilling its social mission as the website of a governmental institution.- (1)As a means of maintaining the safety and accuracy of this site’s information assets, appropriate safety measures have been taken to prevent improper data access, and the destruction, alteration, loss, and leakage of this data.
- (2)The information assets on this site are handled in strict accordance with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s basic policy on information security, laws, ordinances, and other standards.
- (3)Should the processing of information assets be entrusted to an external party, this processing work will take place under the appropriate supervision of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
- (4)Mechanisms will be established for the continued improvement of this information security policy, one of the aims of this website.
- Disclaimer
- There is no guarantee of the completeness or accuracy of any information provided on this website. This information may be changed without notice or warning. The administrators and owners of this website accept absolutely no responsibility for any damage that may occur directly or indirectly due to the use of the information or content on this website.
- Prohibitions
The following activities are prohibited in the use of this website:- (1)Any activity that hinders or creates obstructions to the operation of this website.
- (2)Any activity that causes or may cause inconvenience, loss, or violations of privacy to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the users of this website, or other third parties.
- (3)Any activity that violates or may violate public order and morality.
- (4)Any activity that violates a law, ordinance, or regulation.
- (5)Any other activity deemed inappropriate by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
- Applicable laws and court of jurisdiction
- Interpretation and application of this Site Policy and all use of this website shall adhere to the laws of Japan unless otherwise specified. All disputes arising in connection with the use of this website shall be subject in the first instance to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court.